Detached Youth Work

What is Detached Youth Work?

Youth Unlimited CIC delivers youth work services directly to the young people in their community even in the streets and parks.

Detached means that the project is not linked to any particular service. We don’t ask young people to sign up to a group, or attend a club or a service or anything. It’s a great way to engage with young people who may choose not to do organised activities, go to clubs etc.

Detached youth work engages with young people where they feel comfortable, where they choose to be. We talk about all sorts of things, fun and bizarre to concerning and upsetting. We support and advise and can help to access specialist services if needed. It’s confidential; we won’t be sharing anything we talk about with the Police, schools or anyone (unless there’s a safeguarding matter where someone is at risk of harm). The welfare of the young people is central to all Youth Work.